Gay,naw-hsra` is a Cayuga phrase meaning, “Helping Ourselves.” The Gay,naw-hsra` Next Step Transitional Housing program, which opened in 1994, is a 7 unit program for individuals and families who choose to live independently and violence free. The program assists with the maintenance, revitalization and enhancement of single parent families while living within a safe temporary environment.
The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), and Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) have funded the Gayenawahsra Addition, which will provide 8 more units. One of the new spaces will be a dedicated Anti-Human Trafficking unit, while another will be the first 4-bedroom home, both of which were identified as a great need in the community.
The Six Nations of the Grand River Economic Development Trust has also provided funding that will enable a local contractor to expand the original plans of an on-site Wellness Centre. The newly built Wellness Centre will provide a dedicated space for the Gayenawahsra team to provide Life Skills based programming, childcare, and a location to hold family gatherings year-round.
The Gayenawahsra community opened their homes and their hearts to host a Groundbreaking Ceremony on July 30, 2024. Many guests were in attendance, such as representatives from CMHC, ISC, the Ministry of Community, Children and Social Services (MCCSS), Ganohkwasra staff, the contractor, and community partners.
The total number of beds for the existing 7 Gayenawahsra units is 19. Preparations for the construction of the Gayenawahsra Addition have already begun. The anticipated project completion date is December 2025. When the Gayenawahsra Addition is complete, the additional 8 units will add 13 new bedrooms, with a total of 32 beds.
Alana McDonald, Manager of Residential Services; Sandra Montour, Executive Director; Claudette Mitten, Elder and retired Board Member; Mary Monture, Board of Directors Chairperson
Wilbur McLean, CMHC; Sandra Montour, Executive Director; Mary Monture, Board of Directors Chairperson