Publications and Reports
National Indigenous Circle for Family Violence
Financial Parity Report
The National Indigenous Circle Against Family Violence (NICAFV) and Women’s Shelters Canada (WSC) are two national non-profit organizations that work with women’s shelters. Both respond to the advocacy and training needs of shelter directors (SDs) who provide safety, support and resources for those accessing the shelters—women and children fleeing violence and abuse in their homes. Like all non-profit organizations, women’s shelters are dependent on reliable funding for day-to-day operations and long-term sustainability.
Rapport sur la parité financière
Cercle national autochtone contre la violence familiale
Le Cercle national autochtone contre la violence familiale (CNACVF) et Hébergement femmes Canada (HFC) sont deux organisations nationales à but non lucratif qui travaillent auprès des maisons d’hébergement pour femmes. Toutes deux répondent aux besoins des directrices des maisons d’hébergement en matière de défense des intérêts et de formation. Ces directrices sont responsables de la sécurité des femmes et des enfants qui fuient la violence et les abus subis dans leurs foyers. Chacune de ces deux organisations doit également fournir aux directrices le soutien et les ressources nécessaires. Comme toutes les organisations à but non lucratif, les maisons d’hébergement doivent pouvoir compter sur un financement fiable pour exercer leurs opérations quotidiennes et assurer leur viabilité à long terme.
ANANGOSH: Legal Information Manual for Shelter Workers
This manual is designed to help Indigenous women and service providers address key aspects of violence, as well as understand Indigenous women’s legal rights on matters related to leaving a violent relationship. It discusses legal tools for women’s safety, and provides information about relevant legal protections. The manual begins with an explanation of the rights-based framework to addressing violence against Indigenous women, and of the historical and social context that impacts Indigenous women in Canada.
Anangosh now available as an audio book!
Click “Listen Now” to stream or download files
Financial Skills & Literacy: Stepping Stones to Self-Sufficiency
Everyone deserves a life free from violence and humiliation. Learning how to manage money can help you leave behind a life of abuse. Financial skills can be like stepping stones to a life of dignity and contentment.
Throughout this workbook, you will:
♡ be encouraged to make small changes;
♡ learn to resist the lies you’ve been told about your ability to earn money and manage it well;
♡ learn to develop healthy attitudes toward money; and
♡ hear from Indigenous women who have “been there” and have moved forward
Des tremplins vers l’autosuffisance
Tout le monde a droit à une vie sans violence et humiliation. En apprenant à gérer votre argent, il sera plus facile de vous libérer des abus. L’acquisition de compétences financières peut être vue comme un tremplin vers une vie plus digne et satisfaisante.
Ce manuel a pour but :
♡ De vous encourager à apporter de petits changements à votre vie.
♡ De vous apprendre à réfuter les mensonges quant à votre habileté à gagner de l’argent et à bien le gérer.
♡ De vous aider à développer de saines attitudes envers l’argent.
♡ De vous présenter les témoignages de femmes autochtones qui ont continué à avancer après avoir été dans la même situation que vous.
Resources for Shelter Workers Providing Services to First Nations Women
This document is intended for the use of shelter workers who provide services to First Nations women in Canada. The document details legal services, provincial/territorial government services, INAC regional branches, provincial/territorial Human Rights commissions, and general resources.
Policies and Procedures: Guidelines for Shelters
A reference guide to assist shelters to develop a Policies and Procedures Manual to facilitate the development, design, planning and delivery of services to women and their families. Includes examples and suggestions for operations policy, human resources, financial procedures, safety issues and other issues that might be faced in the work environment.
Ending Violence in Aboriginal Communities: Best Practices in Aboriginal Shelters and Communities
A summary report based on consultations with twelve on-reserve womens’ shelters from across the country. In addition to best practices, the report also considers barriers and challenges, shelter profiles, observations and conclusions.
Responses from Aboriginal Women in Seven INAC-Funded Shelters Regarding Matrimonial Real Property (MRP)
Findings and recommendations on the complex issue of the equitable division of Matrimonial Real Property (MRP) during a marital break-up, based on consultations with 42 participants (staff and clients) from 7 INAC funded women’s shelters.
Printed publications
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There is no charge for any of our publications.
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