Learn the Signs of Abuse
Recognizing an Abusive Relationship: Key Questions to Ask Yourself
Identifying whether you are in an abusive relationship can be challenging, but certain signs and symptoms can help clarify your situation. The following questions are designed to guide you in assessing your relationship. The more “yes” responses you have, the higher the likelihood that you are experiencing abuse. If you find yourself answering "yes" to many of these questions, it is important to seek help and support.
Questions to Assess Your Relationship
1. Emotional and Psychological Abuse
Does your partner frequently criticize or belittle you?
Do they use insults, sarcasm, or name-calling to hurt you?
Do they make you feel guilty or ashamed for things you haven’t done wrong?
2. Control and Isolation
Does your partner try to control what you do, where you go, or who you see?
Have they isolated you from friends and family?
Do they monitor your activities, including phone calls, texts, and social media?
3. Physical Abuse
Has your partner ever hit, slapped, punched, strangled or physically hurt you in any way?
Do they threaten to harm you or others you care about?
Have they forced you into sexual activities against your will?
4. Financial Control
Does your partner control your finances, making it difficult for you to access money?
Do they prevent you from working or sabotage your job opportunities?
Are you forced to account for every penny spent?
5. Intimidation and Threats
Does your partner use threats to manipulate or scare you?
Have they ever threatened to harm themselves if you leave them?
Do they destroy your belongings or property as a form of punishment?
6. Behavior Changes and Fear
Have you noticed changes in your behaviour to avoid upsetting your partner?
Do you feel afraid of your partner, even if they haven’t physically harmed you?
Are you constantly anxious about their reactions or moods?
Seeking Help
If you answered “yes” to many of these questions, it is crucial to recognize that you may be in an abusive relationship. Abuse can have severe physical, emotional, and psychological impacts. Reach out to trusted friends, family members, or professional resources for support and assistance. On this website, you will find organizations and hotlines that specialize in helping individuals in abusive situations. Remember, you are not alone, and help is available.