School Safety Planning

Ensuring school safety for your children while leaving an abusive relationship is crucial.

Here are some comprehensive tips to help protect your children and maintain their well—being:

Communication with the School

1. Inform the School: Let school administrators, teachers, and counsellors know about the situation. Provide them with any necessary details to help them understand the risks.

2. Designated Contact: Give the school a list of authorized individuals to pick up your children. Make sure they have current photos of these individuals.

3. Emergency Contacts: Update emergency contact information with the school, including trusted friends or family members who can step in if needed.

Legal Measures

4. Protection Orders: Obtain a protection order and provide a copy to the school. Ensure they understand its terms and the need for strict enforcement.

5. Custody Documents: Provide the school with copies of custody agreements or legal documents that specify who has the right to pick up your children.

School Safety Procedures

6. Pickup/Drop-off Changes: Work with the school to change pickup and drop-off routines. Use a different entrance or vary the times to avoid predictable patterns.

7. Code Word: Establish a code word with your children and the school staff that indicates if someone other than the usual person is picking them up.

Communication with Children

8. Safety Plan: Develop a safety plan with your children. Teach them what to do if they feel unsafe or if someone unexpected approaches them.

9. Emergency Contacts: Ensure your children know how to reach you or a trusted adult in case of an emergency.

School Safety Planning

10. Secure Records: Request that the school keep your contact information and children’s records confidential and limit who has access to this information.

11. Counseling Services: Use school counselling services to emotionally support your children. They may benefit from speaking with a professional about their experiences.

Additional Safety Measures

12. School Security: Discuss with the school any additional security measures they can implement, such as increased monitoring during school hours or having security personnel present.

13. Communication Devices: If age-appropriate, provide your children with a cell phone or other communication device to contact you if they feel unsafe.

Support Networks

14. Involve Trusted Individuals: Inform trusted friends, family members, and neighbours about the situation. They can help monitor your children and provide additional support.

15. Community Resources: Reach out to local domestic violence shelters and support groups. They can offer resources, advice, and assistance tailored to your situation.

By taking these steps, you can help create a safer environment for your children at school and provide them with the support they need during this challenging time.